Friday, February 5, 2010

I'm walking today!!

Yesterday I was down to one crutch. Today it's none!!! I have a brand new pair of crutches available to any needy party. Can't wait to see how much the emergency room charged for those....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Goings on in Marathon...

Moonlight in the harbor...

This isn't the original train to Key West from 1913...

Gee... they sure want allot to look at some old buildings....

A bike ride on the old bridge...

An appropriate gift for an old guy on his birthday...

Great people, fun times...

If you get the urge to play softball like you thought you did a few years ago, just be still, the urge will surely pass...
The ER Dr had us believing I completely severed the hamstring tendon requiring surgery with screws and Superglue. Cath and I didn't have a good evening trying to figure out what to do...The next day the Orthopedic guy said is was a pulled hamstring... Happy day!! Said I'd be good to go for spring training!!

Boats of Boot Key....

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