We get to the island and what do we see...

Bob Seger's new ride at the dock after the Port Huron Mac.The ride was on "Wooton", a Rogers 46 owned by a gentleman from Chicago, and it was interesting. She had just finished the Port Huron Mac also, taking 1st in Section.
Along for the ride was Captain Larry Burris and Rich Baker, a first class mate.
This boat is an all carbon racing rocket. See: http://www.bangthecorner.com/news/read/5126
Bob Perry also recently reviewed the boat. See: http://www.sailingonline.com/perry_rodgers46.html

Going to weather on "Wooton"gave new meaning to the term "beating" for me. With its flat bottom, while sailing or motoring into 2-3 seas, it was like being inside a timpani while someone was playing it... Boom...Boom...Boom
The helm was so responsive one could drive the boat standing backwards......
The Rogers 46 has a bulb keel drawing 9'6", a plumb bow and a VERY flat bottom., making her a downwind flyer.

Check out her sailing in light air below!!