Notice the instruments - who says multihulls can't sail to weather??? We left Marathon Sunday and headed north hoping for forecasted west winds. They were westerly for about an hour then went northwest. As a result, the wind was "on the nose" all the way to Indian Pass - 80 nautical miles - about ten hours. If the winds would have been from the west it would have been a much quicker ride... Oh... watch out for crab pots. We motorsailed about 1/2 way to keep the boat speed up and wrapped one on the prop. Took me about 1/2 hour of sawing to free it. Luckily, the engine didn't throw a rod when it was suddenly stopped...

We had a short sail yesterday to Goodland and met friends there for dinner at the "Little Bar" -a nice place. Goodland is interesting, appears untouched by the development that has taken place in most of waterfront Florida. From the photo of Cathie in a Goodland driveway, it looks like a place to go...
We motored up the Intercoastal today, though Marco, to Naples. We have taken a mooring at the city marina for ten bucks a night, a good deal. I even have WIFI while sitting here on the boat!! Tomorrow we celebrate St. Patty's Day at the Old Naples Pub, a small place, that isn't the usual fare in Naples....